

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

KIFL Global Studies - final presentations topics & planning

Hello to all my Senka students,
Image "Business Presentation" courtesy of Grant Cochrane/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How are you? I'd like to remind all of you that final presentations are coming up! Check the syllabus for the dates - they're sooner than what you may think, so please start preparing from now.

Next week (11/21) is another open class - this time, for anything any of you would like. If you'd like to have time to prepare or even practice your presentation topics, that would be okay - I can give the whole period for it.

Here is what all of you have said you're doing. Please check this list - if I have anything wrong please let me know!

Matsuken - Japan's population in the future
Niko - associations that invest in developing countries
Yusuke - power generation and generators - positives and negatives in relation to the environment
Daisuke - consumption tax - should it be raised, and comparisons with other countries
Saori - Japanese who work in other countries
Miki - trade between Japan and other countries

Yoshi, Eisuke & Reika - I need to hear from each of you ASAP about what you plan to present on!

I'll be happy to support all of you in any way with your projects.

See you next week!

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