

Thursday, May 28, 2015

ECA (Speaking) I (C, W, & A): 中間プレゼンテーションのサポート


How are you? Here are some useful expressions (便利なフレーズ、表現you can use when presenting! 

1. Introducing your topic 「トピックの紹介」
Thank you! I'd like to begin by...
First of all, I'll talk about...
I'll begin with...

2. Ordering points or parts「部分の順番」
First...then...next...after that...finally...
To begin with...later...to finish up...

3. Finishing one point and starting a new point 「部分の終わり、新しいことを始まっている」
I've looked at...(now) let's go to...
And that's this point...now I'll show you...
From here let's look at...

4. Giving examples「例えば」
For example...
To give you an example...

5. Finishing your talk 「終わった時のフレーズ」
I'll finish by saying...thank you for listening today.
Let me finish by saying...thank you for your time today.
So that's all. Thanks for listening!

I hope this helps you!

Image: "Presentation Word" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

ECA (英語基礎表現) I (Super A): 場所を描写する


How are you? Today, let's do some writing about places

Look at the picture above. What feelings do you get about the place in the picture? What adjectives (形容詞) do you think of when you see this place? 


Here is an activity for you. Look at these picturesWhat adjectives (形容詞) do you think of when you see these placesPair your adjectives with a noun (名詞). Write them down in your notes.  

See you next time!

Images: Top - Personal photograph/Church - "Old Historical Church" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/Bottom - "Ancient Ruins In Delphi" (courtesy of thephotoholic)/other images reproduced unattributed photographs from National Geographic/church and ruins images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net
All rights reserved on personal photograph. All rights reserved on National Geographic images to the copyright holder(s). Uploaded for classroom use only. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

ECA (Speaking) I (C, W, & A): 中間プレゼンテーション 「interesting places」


How are you? Today I would like to show you a project - a mid-term presentation (中間プレゼンテーション) about places that are interesting to you.

You can present on a place you have been to - or a place you have never been to, but want to go to.

We can start working on them today, in class, and also on Friday. Here is our schedule:

5/26 - beginning drawing and designing ideas
5/29 - my check of your work and making presentation schedule
6/2 - presenting in a schedule in small groups

Here is an example of a presentation idea about a place:

Here's another example from a student presenting about her hometown of Sawara in Chiba:

Here is another one, from a student who grew up in the U.S., in Michigan state:

Here is another one, about Hong Kong:

You can draw pictures and use photographs on your poster.

You can also do a Power Point show too - come to the ECA office during reihai time and I'll show you what you can do for Power Point. 

Good luck! I will be happy to work with you to help with hints and advice on your posters. 

See you next class!

ECA (Speaking) II (All): 人物の描写のレビュー


How are you? Let's review about how to describe people (人物を描写).


Look at these pictures. Write about the people in these pictures. The picture at the top of this post is an example (例えば:

This person has short white hair. He's older. 

Now try to say some extra details about their clothes (洋服がさらに細かい言う): 

He's wearing a cowboy hat and a navy blue bandanna with a brown vest and striped shirt. 

So, your description (描写) can look like this: 

This person is older and has short white hair. He's wearing a cowboy hat and a navy blue bandanna with a brown vest and striped shirt. 

Try with these other picturesChoose 4 of these pictures, and describe them.








Have fun!
Photo credits: 1. "Beautiful Young Woman" (courtesy of posterize) 2. "Preparing For Dinner" (courtesy of imagerymajestic) 3. "Smiling little girl 
Images: Top photo - "Older Man With Hat" (courtesy of Rosemary Ratcliff)/1. "Preparing For Dinner" (courtesy of imagerymajestic)/2. "Seated African Child" (courtesy of africa)/3. "Beautiful Young Woman" (courtesy of posterize)/4. "Young Woman In Stylish Outfit" (courtesy of posterize)/5. "Genial Older Man" (courtesy of Rosemary Ratcliff)/6. "Old African Man" (courtesy of africa)/7. "Asian Woman Smiling On The Bedroom Floor" (courtesy of Feelart)/All pictures from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

ECA (Speaking) II (All): 道を教える


How are you? Let's talk about directions (方向)!    

Look at these pictures. They are the directions to Seigakuin from Miyahara station, but the pictures are not in the right order (違う順番). With a group or a partner, can you put these pictures in the right order? 

When you are finished, can you talk about these directions? Here is some language you can use for the order (順番) of the directions: 
First...    go straight...    down this street...    turn right...    turn left...   

next to the...    between (the)...    across from (the)...    at (the corner)...    

on the left...    on the right...     

Try it! The picture above is the first picture. Here it is again

A. #1












Take 4-5 pictures of the way from your train station to your homeBring them to the next class and show your classmatesTalk about your directions from your station to your home.
Have fun!

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

ECA (Travel English): 外貨


How are you? Today we're going to look at money from different countries. What money do you see in the picture above? What country does it come from? It's Russian money - the ruble

Now here is an activity, with homework, about money in different countries!

Which countries do these different kinds of money come from? Write out your ideas in your notebooks.


例えば:1. I think this money is the dollar. It's used in the U.S.

Now try these!




Let's find out more about money from different countries! On the Internet, find one (1) example of money from another country, with 2-3 pictures of the money. Find out how much the money is in yenPrint out the pictures - or save them on your Smartphones - and bring them to the next class


Have fun!
Other currencies photo credits: 1. "New Brazilian Currency - Real" (courtesy of David Castillo Dominici) 2. "100 Euro" (courtesy of Ambro) 3. "Uk 
Images: Top - "Russian Roubles Currency Background"/1. "Money Pile $100 Dollar Bills"/2. "New Brazilian Currency - Real" (all courtesy of David Castillo Dominici)/3. "100 Euro" (courtesy of Ambro)/4. "Uk Sterling Money Notes And Coins" (courtesy of -Marcus-)/5. "Hundred Thai Baht" (courtesy of foto76)/6. "Australian Cash" (courtesy of zirconicusso)/All images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Thursday, May 21, 2015

ECA (Speaking) I (C, W, & A): 動物の比較対照


How are you? Today let's look more at animals!

In the pictures below, compare and contrast (比較対照) these animals.

例えば:A: Which do you think are cuter, dogs or cats?
             B: I think cats are cuter. What about you?
             A: Me? I think dogs are cuter.

             B: How about horses and polar bears? Which are more powerful?
             A: Hmm…polar bears are more powerful. What do you think?
             B: I think you're right. I'd say polar bears too.

Have fun!

Images: Top - "White Bengal Tiger Face" (courtesy of anankkml)/Horse - "Black Horse" (courtesy of Tina Phillips)/Frog - "Frog In The Wild" (courtesy of supakitmod)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Polar bears, Cheetah, Raccoon - all reproduced from uncredited National Geographic photographs/Dog & Cat - personal images 
All rights reserved for personal images.

ECA (Culture) A: カルチャーショック


How are you? Today let's look at culture shock (カルチャーショック).

Here is a short video about foreign students talking about their culture shock experiences at a Japanese university. Let's watch and listen to their stories!

What do you think of their experiences? If you have been to another country, have you been surprised or shocked about what you have seen? How about by people there? 

Let's talk about these!

Take care!

Image: Personal photograph. All rights reserved.
Video uploaded from YouTube. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). Uploaded for educational purposes only.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

ECA (Speaking) I & II (C, W, A, & All) & (Culture) A: ショートプレゼンテーションポスター


How are you? Here is a quick selection of small and short presentation posters that you made for the Speaking and Culture classes. I'm very proud of all of you for making and presenting these. Please look at these and be proud of this work! 

I really like the one above. It's great! Now here are some more: 

Aren't they great! Now here's one from my culture class. This one is about identity (自己同一性). Check this out!

I hope you enjoy these examples of student work. It's your work, and the work of your classmates! 

See you next time!