1. Introducing your topic 「トピックの紹介」
Thank you! I'd like to begin by...
First of all, I'll talk about...
I'll begin with...
2. Ordering points or parts「部分の順番」
First...then...next...after that...finally...
To begin with...later...to finish up...
3. Finishing one point and starting a new point 「部分の終わり、新しいことを始まっている」
I've looked at...(now) let's go to...
And that's this point...now I'll show you...
From here let's look at...
4. Giving examples「例えば」
For example...
To give you an example...
5. Finishing your talk 「終わった時のフレーズ」
I'll finish by saying...thank you for listening today.
Let me finish by saying...thank you for your time today.
So that's all. Thanks for listening!
I hope this helps you!
I hope this helps you!
Image: "Presentation Word" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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