

Monday, May 30, 2016

ECA (Global Understanding): 中間プレゼンテーションの準備のノート


How are you? Right now I'd like to post my board notes for today for all of you about our mid-term presentation preparation (中間プレゼンテーションの準備) for our presentations next week (6/6). I know you took pictures of my notes, but I would like to post them here for you too.

Look at these. I hope they help you when you're working on your posters or Power Point slides. 

Good luck! See you next week with your great presentations! 

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (C, W, & A): 音楽、歌を比べている


How are you? Today let's listen to some songs you may not know. What do you think of them? 

First, check these two songs out. What do you think of them? 



Now how about these next two? 



Finally, how about these two? 



Have fun with these! 

See you next class!

All videos uploaded from YouTube/All rights reserved to the copyright holders/I do not own the rights to the videos, images, or compositions. Uploaded strictly for classroom use.

ECA (英語基礎表現) I (Super A): 場所を描写している


How are you? Let's do some writing about places

Look at this picture of the ocean. 
What comes to your mind with it? What do you think of? How do you feel? What images do you get about the ocean? 

Look at these picturesLook at these pictures of places - the ocean at the top, and the other places below. 

Choose three (3) of these places, and write one (1) short paragraph about each place you chose. (You can choose the ocean picture as one of your places to write about.) 

What comes to your mind when you see these places? What do you think of? How do you feel? What images do you get? 

Write these short paragraphs in your notebooks. 




Greek ruins 
See you next time!

Images: Top - By Tiago Fioreze - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6111892/Mountain - personal photograph/Rainforest - By Makemake at the German language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63465/Shrine gate - personal photograph/Ruins - "Ancient Ruins In Delphi" (courtesy of thephotoholic)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
All rights reserved on personal photographs. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (C, W, & A): シドニーのフリーマーケット


How are you? Today let's take a look at a flea market at Bondi Beach in Sydney. This is a short video taken by a Japanese person on a homestay in Australia. Is this like a flea market in Japan (or your country)?

Look at the video. Turn the sound off. How many things can you see and write down the words for in the time of the video?

Have fun! 

Image: By AngMoKio - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15066912/Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. All rights reserved. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (C, W, & A): 過去の物価


How are you! Today let's think about prices (物価) from the past (過去) - how well do they match up to prices in the present (現在)? 

Look at the poster at the top. It's an old Morinaga Drops poster from the 1960s. It's from a long time ago, isn't it? How much money do you think these cost back at that time?

Now look at some old pictures of things we still enjoy or use now. With a partner or in a group, can you guess if these things were cheaper, the same, or more expensive in the past?

(Remember! Cheap = 安い/the same = 同じ/expensive = 高い)

例えば :

Bon Curry has been enjoyed in Japan for a long time - since 1968! This is an old Bon Curry package. In 1968, do you think a package of Bon Curry was cheaper, the same, or more expensive, than now?

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive     

Answer (答え): It was cheaper.   

Now with a partner or in a group, make some guesses about these things. Were they cheaper, the same, or more expensive, than now? 

1. Meiji Peanut Chocolate Balls - late 1960s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

2. Ramune - late 1960s/early 1970s 

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive 

3. Pepsi - early 1970s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

4. Candy Candy school notebook - early 1980s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

5. Shinkansen ticket - late 1960s/early 1970s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

6. Original Macintosh - mid-1980s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

Have fun with this! See you!

Images: Morinaga Drops, Bon Curry, Meiji Peanut Chocolate Balls, Ramune, and Pepsi ad images - screenshots from Pinterest. Candy Candy notebook image - screenshot from eBay. All rights reserved on all images and products to their respective copyright holders. No copyright infringement intended. 
Shinkansen photograph: Roger Wollstadt - http://www.flickr.com/photos/24736216@N07/3429753993/in/set-72157623081490477/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18004116
Macintosh photograph: w:User:Grm wnr - Modifications of Image:Macintosh 128k.jpg and w:Image:Macintosh 128k No Text.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=519781
Shinkansen and Macintosh images from Wikimedia Commons. All images uploaded solely for classroom use. 

特別ポスト: 家族の出身、子供頃の思い出のポスタープレゼンテーション


How are you? I would like to show a few of your great posters for you to look back at and think about. You did a great job! Thank you for your hard work. 

I do not have enough space or time to upload all of them. So I have selected some to show. Be proud of  your great work! I know I am proud of your effort.

Let's look at some of these great posters!

Finally - this one is from a different class on a different topic - but is a very good one. Take a look!

Good job on these posters! 

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (All): ポスタープレゼンテーションの例え「健康・幸せ」


How are you? Today let's look at some examples (例え) of great small poster presentations about health and happiness (健康・幸せ). Look at this great one at the top! 

We will make some posters on this topic. Look at these posters from students last year to give you some  ideas about what you can do! 

See you next time with great posters of your own! 

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ECA (英語基礎表現) I (P): 現在進行形


How are you? Today let's look at the present progressive tense (現在進行形).

Look at the picture above. We see what the man is doing - he's walking.

Activity (活動):
Look at these pictures - with a partner or a group, can you write a sentence about what the people in the pictures are doing?

He is _____________________________________________.

She is _____________________________________________.

The man at the top is 

The woman at the bottom is 

See you next time!

Images: Top - personal photograph. All rights reserved.
Other images photographed from handouts from copyrighted material. All rights reserved to the copyright holders. No copyright infringement intended. Images taken and uploaded strictly for classroom use only. 

ECA (英語基礎表現) I (Super A): 作文1


How are you? Today let's begin our first writing assignment (作文1) - writing about a gift

You have four (4) choices for writing about this assignment. You could write about:
  • the best gift you ever got
  • the worst gift you ever got
  • a gift you got for someone that became very special to that person
  • a gift that you still have or use to this day
Things to think about when you write:
  • what was it? 
  • who was it for? 
  • was it expensive? 
  • where was the gift bought? 
  • why was it so special - or so terrible? 
Think about all these things. Write 1-2 paragraphs, with 4-5 sentences in each paragraph, about it in your notebooks.  

Good luck! See you next week!

Image: "Magic Box" (personal photograph). All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (All): 幸せのこと


How are you? Today, let's look at happiness (幸せ), and things that make you happy

What makes you happy? Do pets make you happy - like in the picture at the top? These are my pets - my dog and two of my cats. They make me happy! 

So how about you? Look at these pictures and talk about what makes you happy!

Great food



Memories (思い出

Sleeping and relaxing

(no picture) 

(Your own idea!)

See you next time!

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, May 5, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (C & A) & (Global Understanding): 家族の出身


Let's look at where we come from! This is the Chikuzen-no-kuni family register (戸籍謄本).

This is from Fukuoka-ken, and it's the oldest known family register in Japan, at over 1,300 years old!

How about your family? How far back do you know about where your family came from - in Japan, or maybe another country?

The picture above is a shot of a student's notes. She researched about the origins of her family (家族の出身). Her family came from Kanagawa.

How about your families? Which parts of Japan - or which parts of other countries - did they come from? Let's find out about our families and where they came from!

Click here to see the screenshots of my Power Point show about my family history!

See you next time!

Images: family register - screenshot from internet of Chikuzen-no-kuni household register courtesy of Asuka Historical Museum. All rights reserved.
Student notebook page - personal photograph. All rights reserved.