

Saturday, November 12, 2011

KIFL Intermediate Business English class Wed 15:25-17:00

Here's a list of all the presentations you are planning to give within our final presentation schedule, as of this week:

Ken - history of Pokemon/Nintendo
Nobuko - Sugahara Glassworks company profile
Yuta S. - Samsung electronic products (HDTV)

Kazuki - Dropbox
Yuta T. - Kyoto animation company
Naoshi - Sony music (possible change to another company - needs to contact me ASAP!)
Hsu-Ling - Abercrombie & Fitch in Japan
Bo-Yeon - Body Shop company profile

Marina - Panasonic beauty products
Fio - still undecided (needs to let me know ASAP!)
Naomi - Lush products/company profile
Lee - AtCosume website profile (?-let me know the correct spelling please!)
Ruby - housing property in China

"P" and Yasuno - please contact me ASAP!

Please remember that 11/23 is a national holiday.

Presentations should be a minimum of 8-10 minutes, up to a maximum of 15 minutes.
For the shorter presentations, we will have a 2-3 minute required Q&A. For the longer ones, include the 2-3 minute Q&A within the time (so, for example - a 12 minute presentation with the 2-3 minute Q&A after).

REMEMBER - do not read from a paper or your Power Point slides. Have note cards with key words or phrases important to your topic written on them.

Please also remember the order of presenters you all agreed on with each other last Wednesday, and when one person has finished, be ready to start.

Good luck! I look forward to seeing and hearing these beginning this upcoming Wednesday.