

Thursday, November 29, 2012

KIFL English for the Hospitality Industry - final interview preparation

Hello Michelle and Tomoyo,

How are you? I'm very sorry for getting this post up later than what I planned. If you had been checking and didn't see it, my apologies - I had four other posts to write before it!
Above is a shot of the board notes from Tuesday (11/27).  On the left of the board are the kinds of questions most likely to be asked by interviewers. On the right are a few language points interviewees could use. 
Here are some more types of questions that interviewers could use: 
Can you tell me (more) about...
How would you describe your strong points?
What would you say were your weak points?
Tell me more about (your experience/internship/coursework at KIFL/university)...
What would you say is your ideal working environment? (In your own words, can you say...?)
I show you these interviewers' types of questions because they may help you to make good responses to them.
Now here is another board note from Wednesday (11/28) for interviewees
And here are some more response language for interviewees to use: 
For talking about things in general 
I believe...
It's my belief that...
I would say...
It's my feeling that...
For talking about your KIFL & internship experience
In my internship, I...
In my vocational college/At KIFL, I...
During my time at the Intercontinental (Hotel), I...
Over the time of my coursework, I...
For talking about situations & change
There are many challenges that come...
When things happen, I try to...
In that situation, I would try to...
I try (hard) to respond to things when they happen...
For responding to any point (not a question) that the interviewer makes
That's a (positive adjective) point. 
(:That's a good point)
(例:That'ssss   an interesting point)
I'd like to say more on that...
I'm glad you've said that, because...
Think hard about what's on your resumes, and follow along the ideas on the kinds of questions interviewers ask so you can respond to them. 
Next week (12/4-5), let's practice with this language. See you then!

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