

Friday, October 19, 2012

芝浦工業大学Listening 1B 10/19 homework - listening to people talking about their countries

Hello all Listening 1B students,

Video courtesy of freeenglishlessons channel (You Tube)/FreeEnglishLessons.com

How are you? I'm glad to be back in class with all of you.

I have a long video (around 9 minutes) for all of you this week as your 10/19 homework - but one I hope you'll enjoy! It's an English class where students talk about their countries - and ideas and images they have about each other's countries.

Your task is simple - write down in your notes as much as you can about:

1. What the student from Italy says about her country.
    * What other country(s) does she talk about?
2. What other students think about Italy and the other country(s) she talks about. 
3. What the teacher says about the U.S. 
    *What other country(s) does he talk about?
Watch this video as many times as you want or need! So bring your notes and talk about this next week (10/26)!

See you then!

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