

Monday, December 4, 2017

電気通信大学 ASE II: Pros & cons of refugee acceptance・難民受諾の賛否


How are you? Here I have a list of questions for you to answer that will go with the handouts I have given you about arguments for and against refugee acceptance in Europe - what we would call the pros and cons (賛否両論) of this issue. 


Please read through each handout and make some notes in your notebooks to answer the following questions: 

Reading 1 
Values matter 
1. What are the values that this reading shows are vital and need to be kept? 
2. What is the name of the main agreement shown about respecting and protecting refugees? 
3. What risk does it say would happen if such commitments are violated? 

Better for them to stay close to home
1. What is one problem that could happen the more that refugees are resettled far away from where they come from? 
2. How many doctors did this reading say that Syria had before their war? 
3. What does it say that governments should be doing for the long-term future of countries like Syria and Iraq? 

Reading 2 
Real security
1. What does the reading say would be the risk of closing the doors to refugees? 
2. What is one thing it says that Daesh is trying to do among refugees coming to Europe? 
3. According to the reading, how many refugees have been admitted to the U.S. since 1980? 
4. How many of the refugees does it say have been involved in terrorist attacks? 

It's a recruitment call for populists

1. What is the name of the main anti-immigration party in Germany? 
2. What are some of the things that populists say that refugees bring with them? 
3. According to the reading, what is the political risk of allowing more refugees to come into Europe? 

Reading 3

Economics and demographics
1. What does it say was the average birthrate in 1960 of countries that are now in the European Union? 
2. How about the average birthrate in 2014? 
3. What is the name of the ratio that is going to rise to 50.1% by 2060? 
4. What are some examples of refugee successes and the places they come from that are shown in the reading?  

Europe can't cope
1. In the reading, how many first-time asylum seekers did the EU register in 2015? 
2. How many in the first months of 2016? 
3. What are two countries that have been especially burdened with refugees? 

When you are finished, Q&A with each other to check on these answers to make sure you have the correct responses.

See you next week! 

Image: By Unknown - http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00routesdata/1900_1999/partition/camps/camps.html, Public Domain, http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31055700

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