

Sunday, November 8, 2015

ECA (Culture) B: 性別と文化 「タイの結婚式」


How are you? Today I would like to show you a video on marriage customs (各国結婚の風儀、文化). We will look at marriage customs in Thailand.

Marriage customs are a point in studying and understanding gender and culture.

This video is long (13!), but it has interesting points about a Thai wedding.

Please watch and take notes about this wedding ceremony (結婚式). How is the man dressed? How about the woman? What are some things they do? How about the guests? What are they wearing?

Make notes in your notebooks about these and other points. You can make notes in English or Japanese. Bring these notes to the next class.

I hope you find this video and topic interesting.

See you next time!

Image: "Blessed Water At Thai Wedding" (courtesy of bigjom)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
Video uploaded from YouTube. Uploaded strictly for classroom use. I do not own the rights to the video. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s).

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