

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

特別ポスト- ECA (Survival English) - 期末プレゼンテーションについて (Part 2)

Hello Survival English students, 

Image "Presentation Word" courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How are you? This post is to help you to think more about your final presentations (期末プレゼンテーション). 

Guidelines (指導基準)
特別: We'll do our presentations in class in our 15th week, so this will be like an exam - so it's important to work with classmates you like! 

Like before, your group can do a Power Point presentation, but if you want to do a poster presentation, this is what you need:

1) Your group will need one (1) A1-size sheet of poster paperYou can get this paper from a store that sells penspaper and notebooksOne sheet costs 150 yen. 

2) Make the pictures big, to A4 size. Have 2-3 of these pictures on your posters.

Here are some more examples of presentation posters. They come from a class I taught last year at the Shibaura Institute of Technology (芝浦工業大学). Look at these:

These posters come from a class I taught called Eigo Sogo (英語総合)Their topic was marriage customs (結婚式の文化) in other countries. Here's another:

Look at these. Make the pictures of the posters bigger. You can get ideas about how you can design your presentation posters. I have some other examples I can show you too.

準備しましょう!Have fun!

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