

Thursday, July 4, 2013

週12 - ECA (Speaking) I (C & A) - ルールについて

Hello to my Jido and Obei students,
Image "Circular Workflow Chart" courtesy of basketman/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image "Business Meeting" courtesy of  FreeDigitalPhotos.net
How are you? Let's look at rules!

This is an IQ test that Japanese companies give to new recruits when they are being interviewed

This video uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to this video. It is strictly for classroom use.

These are the rules for doing this test:
The mother can't be alone with her sons without the father there.
The father can't be alone with his daughters without the mother there.
The thief (どろぼ) can't be with any of the family members without the police there.
Only the mother, father, and police can move the raft.
Only two people can be on the raft at one time.

Try this test! See how much time it takes for you to do itHow much time do you need to finish it? Write notes in your notebook about your answer - who can be on the raft

Have fun!

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