

Friday, July 19, 2013

週14 - ECA (Speaking) I (C & A) - 期末テスト(スピーキング)のグループ・スケージュル

Hello to my Jido and Obei speaking students,

How are you? I hope you are doing okay in these hot days!

Speaking I (C)
The picture above is all the groups for the Jido speaking class final speaking test on Tuesday (7/23). 

Now, the next picture is for all the times the groups are coming:

Now here is what we looked at, and what topics we can choose from for the final speaking test:

This is also the list of topics to choose from for the Obei speaking class final speaking test.

Speaking I (A) 
Now here are the groups for the Obei speaking class final speaking test also on Tuesday (7/23): 

Here are the times for the Obei class to come in for their final speaking test:

For all classes - please remember your groups and times, and please come in with the right group at the right time!

See you all next Tuesday!

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