

Thursday, January 8, 2015

特別ポスト - ECA (英語基礎表現) II (Super A): final writing assignment/期末作文


Happy New Year! How are you? Today I will show you the final writing assignment (期末作文).

For your final assignment, choose one (1) of the following:

1. Compare and contrast (比較対照) two things - two periods of fashion (for example, 1970s fashion with 1980s fashion), two places, pieces of music, or two TV programs or movies you have seen that you feel are interesting, special, or unique.

Rules: whatever you select, you must let me know by no later than next week (1/15) what you are doing - bring a laptop computer, tablet or mobile device (Smartphone or cell phone) with links or uploads of what you have selected (like pictures from the Internet, or YouTube videos). 

In your writing, first show the two things, and show what they have in common or connection. Then go into the details about how they compare and contrast (比較対照) - you could show how one thing is better than the other, but it does not have to be about how one is good or the other bad. It could be how they are different and what qualities or character you find interesting, unique, or special about them. Finally, you can show what you like, and which you prefer (like better).  

2. Write about a person you respect or admire - like family members, friends, or famous people.

Rules: whomever you choose, you must let me know by no later than next week (1/15) who you are writing about. Tell me a little about the person and give me an idea about how you feel about him or her. 

In your writing, first go into detail about what connection you have with that person. For example, which family member is the person? Where did you first meet the friend? When and how did you find out about the famous person? Go into detail about what you respect or admire about the person. Think of a situation or story about the person that shows what you believe makes the person great. Finally, show what you have learned from the person that you want to try and live by in your own life. 

3. Write about another issue to do with the global topics we wrote about in our 6th writing assignment (作文6) - especially something that impacts Japan in some way, and especially in areas such as society, education, or work. 

Rules: whatever topic you choose, let me know by no later than next week (1/15) what you will write about. Find some information from the Internet to support your topic. 

In your writing, first show what the issue or situation is, and where it began or how it became the issue it has become. From there, you can write your opinion about your subject - but show support for your opinion and how it has become the issue with the impact it has in Japan. Finally, show where you feel you are in the issue. Does it impact your future? Will it shape your decisions about where or how you will live, or even if it might affect when and how (and even if) you will have a family? 

While this could be a heavy issue and if you have sensitive feelings about it that are hard to write or even think about, it could also be something positive. Not all the changes that are happening in our society are negative, and it may even make the future better. So think about it in this way too!

About the writing itself - here is what I will look for:

In whichever choice you write about above - #1, 2, or 3 - your must write a 3-4 paragraph paper.  

Your papers must have correct formatting, with correct spacing. I have shown you this before, but if you need a refresher you can check this blog or ask me. 

Your papers must have titles.

Your papers must have your name, date and the name of the class on it.

Your writing must have long sentences, with connecting words (andbutorsobecauseなど).

*Very important - your paragraphs should be long. Do not make them too short!

Good luck on this assignment! I believe you will do well on whichever you choose. Write to the very best you can, because I will gather your writing into more collections to be uploaded to this blog!

Images: Top - "Circular Workflow Chart" (courtesy of basketman)/Flower - "Pink Lotus" (courtesy of seaskylab)/Girl - "Smiling Girl With The Milk Glass" (courtesy of imagerymajestic)/Graffiti - personal image/All images except graffiti photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net. All rights reserved for personal image.

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