

Thursday, January 9, 2014

特別ポスト- ECA (英語基礎表現) II (Super A): 期末作文のプロジェクト

Hello to my Eigokisohyougen students,

Image "Line Sheet With Pen" courtesy of adamr/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How are you? Today I will show you some points about our final writing project.

This will be due on January 23rd (1/23), so from today you have three weeks to finish it.

As I had talked about before in class, these are the topics:

1. Write about something you know - for example, a place you have been to, or a hobby, activity, or sport you enjoy doing, or a book you have read or movie or TV drama you have seen.

2. Write about something you don't know, but would like to try, do or see - for example, a place you have never been to but would like to go to, or a hobby, activity or sport you would like to try but haven't done yet, or a book you haven't read but want to read, or a movie or TV drama you haven't seen but want to.

I will collect these into a short, small book of your writing!

Points to write about 
What is the place, hobby, activity, sport, book, movie, or TV drama? (If it's a book, movie or TV show, who wrote it? Who is the director 「監督」 of the movie or TV show, and who are the actors and their characters?)

What is the best thing for you about the place, hobby, sport, etc.? When did you start going there, or do it, or when did you first see the movie or TV show?

How does it make you feel? Why do you enjoy it?

If it's a place, hobby, sport, etc. that you haven't been to or done, what do you know about it? What have you heard about it from your friends, family, on the Internet, etc.?

Why do you want to go there, or why do you want to try the hobby or activity?
(If it's a book you've never read or a movie or TV drama you haven't seen, what's your interest in it?) When and where did you first hear about it?

Format & style
Here's how I would like you to do this:

First, I want you to handwrite this on notebook paper.

Then, I want you to type it up, like this:

This is an example from one of my writing classes at the Shibaura Institute of Technology (芝浦工業大学) when I was there. I would like you to use the same kind of format here too. 

This is very important! I want your name and student number at the top, with a double space after, then for your paragraph, each line with a single space.

After that, you send this to me as a file attachment「添付ファイル」.

This is also very important! I would like you to try for a two-paragraph paper.

Good luck on this! I think you can do well on this.

See you in the next class!

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