

Sunday, November 18, 2018

東京理科大学 A英3・情報工学科技術英語: Issues of the internet - phishing & hacking・インタネットの問題「フィッシング・ハッキング」


How are you? Here are two videos for you today that go with our new topic about issues - with a focus on the problems of the internet. Here we look at two common, but serious issues - that of phishing and hacking

Here is the first video about phishing. Watch this as many times as you want or need. (Go to this link if you have trouble seeing the video directly here, or look for "Cybercrime Exposed: How to Spot a Phishing Scam", or go to https://youtu.be/pXp2RvA0SBU on YouTube)

Now answer this question about the video:
What are some things towards the end of the video that the speaker recommends you do to protect yourself against a phishing scam? 


Here is the second video about hacking. Watch it as many times as you need. (If you have trouble watching the video here, go to this link, or look for "How hackers really crack your passwords" on YouTube, or paste this URL: https://youtu.be/RtUvMJFP_IE)

Now answer these questions below:
1. In the video, what does the video host say about how passwords are stored?
2. What are lookup tables and rainbow tables?
3. What is salt?
4. What do dictionary attacks use?
5. What is a brute force attack?
6. According to the video host, how many passwords did a hacker crack 
*How many minutes did it take for the hacker to crack the passwords?
7. What did he say is the danger of being on an open wi-fi network without a password?
8. Why will some hackers set up free wi-fi points?
9. Why should you never give your password out over the phone?
10. What does the video host say is the best kind of password to use?

I hope these videos can help add more to your understanding of these issues. 

See you next week!

Image: By Santeri Viinamäki, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=53153294
Videos uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to the videos or content. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). Uploaded for classroom use only.

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