

Thursday, May 11, 2017

東京理科大学 B英1: Most populous places・人口が多く場所


How are you? Today let's look at the most populous places on Earth - places with the most people in the world. 

The picture above is of Delhi, India. It has a population (人口) of 26,454,000 as of 2016. That's incredible! 

What might be more incredible is that Tokyo has even more people than Delhi. But there are many cities in the world with big populations. 

Here's another one - Sao Paulo, Brazil:

Here's another - Lagos, Nigeria:

Now here's a question for all of you: What kinds of problems do you imagine happen in such crowded cities? Think about a lot of things - transportation, housing, food, education, and so on. 

Talk about these things with your classmates.

See you next time!

Images: Top & Sao Paulo, Brazil - screenshots courtesy of ABC News Point/Lagos, Nigeria - CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=128636. I do not own the rights to the ABC News Points photographs. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). 

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