

Thursday, December 8, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (D): 日系ブラジルの教育


How are you? Today, let's do more on our global-glocal topic about immigrants (移民) and identity (正体).

Let's look at Japanese-Brazilians (日系ブラジール人) and some problems they have living in Japan. What do you know about Japanese-Brazilians? Do you know any famous Japanese-Brazilians?

Here is a picture of an educational center for Japanese-Brazilian people:

There are many Japanese-Brazilians living in Japan. They have their own businesses, and even their own schools.


Here is a video about the problems that many Brazilians have in Japan, especially with education. Watch this video. What do you think? Make some notes about the video (you can write your notes in Japanese or English). When you are finished, answer these questions in your notebooks:

1. When did Japanese first begin leaving Japan for Brazil?
2. When did Japan first begin letting Japanese-Brazilians to come to Japan to work?
3. What is the name of the Japanese-Brazilian school in Toyoda?
4. What does the school do for the children’s parents who do not have jobs?
5. In 2009 how many Brazilians did Francisco Freitas say were in Japan?
6. What percentage of Brazilian children are not in Brazilian schools?
7. What problems do some Brazilian children have when going to Japanese schools?
8. What did Rodney Freitas say about how Japanese-Brazilians are treated in Brazil?

We will make some presentations about immigrants (移民) and some problems (問題) they have in Japan and other countries.

I hope this will be interesting for you!

Take care!

Images: Top - photograph of student poster presentation. All rights reserved to the student presenters/Building - By English: Abasaa 日本語あばさー (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. 
Video uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to this video. Uploaded for educational purposes only. All rights reserved to the owner(s).

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