How are you? Today let's look at sightseeing (観光) places!
Where would you like to go and what would you like to see?
The picture above comes from my summer trip to Vietnam. I took it from my hotel room. I presented at a conference (研究会), then I went sightseeing after. The place I was in had a famous fort (砦), and I took some pictures. This place was so big! Here's a picture of one part of the fort, with me in it:
What sightseeing places would you like to go to in Japan, or other countries?
Look at these pictures. Do you know what these places are? Do you know where are they? Take some guesses!
Where would you like to go and what would you like to see?
The picture above comes from my summer trip to Vietnam. I took it from my hotel room. I presented at a conference (研究会), then I went sightseeing after. The place I was in had a famous fort (砦), and I took some pictures. This place was so big! Here's a picture of one part of the fort, with me in it:
Look at these pictures. Do you know what these places are? Do you know where are they? Take some guesses!
Have fun!
Photo credits: A. "Business Meeting" (courtesy of Ambro) B. "Adorable Couple Watching TV" (courtesy of imagerymajestic) C. "Woman Asleep"
Images: Top picture, #1, & 3 - personal photographs/2."New York Times" (courtesy of Antoine Henrich)/4. "Ancient Ruins In Delphi" (courtesy of thephotoholic)/5. "Angkor Wat Sunrise" (courtesy of J Frasse)/6. "Sydney Opera House At Night" (courtesy of Susie B)/7. Unattributed image from Taiwan (downloaded directly from the internet)/Images #2, 4, 5, & 6 from FreeDigitalPhotos.net/all rights reserved on personal photographs.
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