

Sunday, October 4, 2015

ECA (English Through Songs) B: Maroon 5 - "This Love"/マルーン 5「ディス・ラヴ」


How are you? Here was our first song, "This Love," by Maroon 5.

Maroon 5 is an American band from Los Angeles. They are one of the biggest rock bands in the world right now. They toured Japan in September.

We listened to this song in class. But here is the song again from YouTube - you can listen to it again:

This song is about a man who feels he has to break up with his girlfriend because their relationship has become so much trouble for the both of them. 

I hope you enjoyed this song. If you would like to know more about Maroon 5, click here for their article on Wikipedia (日本語).

See you next time!

Image: "Woman Do Not Look Happy Standing" (courtesy of nuttakit)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Video uploaded from YouTube. Video uploaded strictly for classroom purposes. I do not own the rights to the musical composition or video. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s).

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