

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

特別ポスト: a, an とtheの使うこと

Hello to all my students,

Image "Back To School Text On Back Head" courtesy of koratmember/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Here's a special post for all of you about how to use a, an, and the. Knowing how to use these words is very important!

Using 'a' or 'an'
We use a or an with any noun. (aとかan は何でも名詞を使う。)

1.  'a'
例えば:Here is a textbook. 
textbook     textbook     textbook
textbook     textbook     textbook

I like to study in a coffee shop.
coffee shop     coffee shop
coffee shop     coffee shop

Mark is a boy in our class.
Keiko         Takeshi        Mark                   
Maria          Taro           Anne
Maria is a girl in our class.

She writes in a yellow notebook in English class.
We eat our lunch in a large cafeteria.

2. 'an'
*We use an with nouns that begin with vowel sounds, and nouns with silent “h.” (anは名詞の母音とサイレント”h”が始める 。)

例えば:I eat an apple every day with lunch.
I like to have an egg on toast with coffee for breakfast.
(何でも卵 。)
He has an idea about what to cook for dinner.

She’s wearing an orange dress today.
There’s an umbrella on the floor next to Keiko’s bag.
Our class will start in an hour.

Using 'the'
We use the with specific or particular nouns. (the は特定名詞を使う。)

例えば:Here is the English textbook.
history textbook     Japanese textbook    
English textbook    science textbook

Starbucks is the coffee shop I like.
Doutor     St. Marc     Tully’s     Starbucks

Keiko is the girl in the first row.     
                     1st row: 
Keiko         Takeshi        Mark     
                    2nd row:  
Maria           Taro            Anne
Taro is the boy in the second row.

Russia is the largest country in the world.
Russia: 17,098,242 km2
Canada: 9,984,670 km2
U.S.: 9,826,675 km2

China: 9,596,961 km2

Mr. Suzuki is the teacher for our history class. 
Keiko, Maria and Anne are the girls in our Japanese class. 
The English class is down the hall next to the computer room

I hope this will help you to remember how to use a, an, and the in speaking and writing. 

See you again!

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