

Monday, November 18, 2013

週7・8 - ECA (Survival English): 中間プレゼンテーションのサポートつづいて

Hello to all my Survival English students,

How are you? Here is one more post for you about presenting. 

Speaking in your presentation
Look at the video below. Watch it as many times as you want. It's a Korean English teacher talking about her hagwon - a Korean English school. Look and listen to how she talks, and how she goes from one point to another. 

This video is long, and you don't have to present for this long! But it's still good for how she speaks about her topic. 

Video upload and link from YouTube. I do not own the rights to this video or the link. 
They have been uploaded and linked to this post strictly for educational use. 

Now click here to watch the 2nd part of the video. 

Here are some useful expressions!
I posted this last week - but I'll post it again here. 

You can use these expressions when speaking in your presentationUsing these expressions is called signposting - using words and phrases that signal how you introduce your topichow you go to the next part of your talk, and so on. 

1. Introducing your topic 「トピックの紹介」
Thank you for your time today. we'd like to begin by...
First of all, we'll...
Starting with this point, we'll...
We'll begin with...

2. Ordering points or parts「部分の順番」
First...then...next...after that...finally...
To begin with...later...to finish up...

3. Finishing one point and starting a new point 「部分の終わり、新しいことを始まっている」
We've looked at...(now) let's turn to...
And that's this point...now we'd like to show you...
From here let's look at...

4. Giving examples「例えば」
For example...
To give you an example...
A good example is...

5. Finishing your talk 「終わった時のフレーズ」
We'd like to finish by saying...thank you for listening today.
Let us finish by saying...thank you for your time today.
To sum up...and that's all. Thank you for listening.

I hope this helps you. Please ask me for help if you need it. 

Have fun!

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