

Sunday, October 7, 2018

東京理科大学 A英3: Writing assignment 4・作文4


How are you? Today I will show our 4th writing assignment - writing about a cause-and-effect (原因結果) situation with people or things.

While I have given all of you the handout about the assignment, I am posting it here as well as another way to help remind all of you about what you can write about. 

Write a story – imaginary (想像上のストーリー) or real – about a cause-and-effect situation.    

How much to write
I would like you to write as much as you can, so around 3-4 paragraphs' worth of writing. 

Deadline (締め切り)
It will be at the beginning of the class on October 22nd (10/22), so I want you to bring in a first draft (下書き) on October 15th (10/15) in your notebooks in pencil. I may then show some more guidelines in class with language and other points of cause and effect. You can change things about the draft as you need to, then write to the finish and turn in your work on 10/22.

You will see two stories that go with the handouts I have given all of you. They are based on stories involving cause-and-effect from other students. I would like you to read these stories. They can give you ideas on how you can imagine cause-and-effect situations.

Write out a first draft (下書き) today in your notebooks in pencil. Write to your own pace – but if you finish first, look around for anyone else who is also finished. Get together with that person and read your writing to that person, then let the person read his or her story to you.

If you can, give a little advice to the person about his or her writing. Let the person also suggest some things to you too. You can then change things about the draft as you need to, then write to the finish in class and turn in your work. 

I will then select what I see to be the best writing and ask those of you I select to then type up your writing to hand in to me. I will then publish (出版する) the best stories! I will tell you about a different deadline then.

Good luck with this! I hope you can have fun with this way of doing a writing assignment. 

I look forward to reading your great writing on this theme!

Image: Personal photograph. All rights reserved.

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