

Sunday, October 23, 2016

ECA (Speaking) I (J & D): 過去の物価


How are you! Today let's think about prices (物価) from the past (過去) - how well do they match up to prices now - in the present (現在)? 

Look at the poster at the top. It's an old Meiji poster from the 1960s. It's from a long time ago, isn't it? How much money do you think these cost back at that time?

Now look at some old pictures of things we still enjoy or use now. With a partner or in a group, can you guess if these things were cheaper, the same, or more expensive in the past?

(Remember! Cheap = 安い/The same = 同じ/Expensive = 高い)

例えば :

Bon Curry has been enjoyed in Japan for a long time - since 1968! This is an old Bon Curry package. In 1968, do you think a package of Bon Curry was cheaper, the same, or more expensive, than now?

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive     

Answer (答え): It was cheaper.  

Now with a partner or in a group, make some guesses about these things. Were they cheaper, the same, or more expensive, than now?

1. Morinaga Drops - late 1960s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

2. Ramune Pet - late 1960s/early 1970s 

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive 

3. Pepsi - early 1970s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

4. Candy Candy school notebook - early 1980s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

5. Shinkansen ticket - late 1960s/early 1970s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

6. Original Apple Macintosh computer - mid-1980s

I think it was cheaper      I think it was the same      I think it was more expensive

Have fun with this! See you!

Images: Meiji Peanut Chocolate Balls, Bon Curry, Morinaga Drops, Ramune, and Pepsi ad images - screenshots from Pinterest. Candy Candy notebook image - screenshot from eBay. All rights reserved on all images and products to their respective copyright holders. No copyright infringement intended. 
Shinkansen photograph: Roger Wollstadt - http://www.flickr.com/photos/24736216@N07/3429753993/in/set-72157623081490477/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18004116
Macintosh photograph: w:User:Grm wnr - Modifications of Image:Macintosh 128k.jpg and w:Image:Macintosh 128k No Text.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=519781
Shinkansen and Macintosh images from Wikimedia Commons. All images uploaded solely for classroom use. 

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