

Sunday, October 9, 2016

ECA (Global Understanding): 東北地方太洋沖地震のインパクト


How are you? Take a look at this picture above. It shows the Tohoku coast near Sendai before the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011 (2011311日の東北地方太洋沖地震).

Now look at this picture below. It shows what happened to the coastline near Sendai after the tsunami:

You can see a big difference, can't you? This shows the great impact on the natural environment (自然環境) of earthquakes and tsunami. 

What about the impact on the people where the earthquake and tsunami happened? Here is one video - a TED talk in Japanese about the impact on the human lives of the people in the Tohoku from the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/2011:

Here is another video that is shorter, but is unique: In 1933 a big tsunami hit the same part of the Tohoku. The woman in the video made a picture show of the impact of the tsunami on her village and talked of her memories of that time. She speaks in Japanese with a voice-over in English, but the pictures are very powerful. 

I have no questions about these videos, but I would like you to watch them - they are both short. Watch them as many times as you want or need. 

After you watch them, I would like you to find out which parts of the world get the most natural disasters (自然災害). The natural disasters can be anything - earthquakes (地震), tsunami, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions (噴火).

Make a list of some places you find and what kind of natural disasters they have and bring the list to class for next week.

See you then!

Image: By NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center - http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=49634, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14589779/modified for clarity and educational purposes by sekaijin.
Videos uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to the videos or the content. Uploaded for educational purposes only. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). 

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