

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

ECA (Travel English): 飛行のこと、ワンポイントアドバイス


How are you? Today I'd like to show you a video about the longest airplane trips in the world. Watch this video and tell me what you think about it!

Now for your homework, watch this next video. This is advice from a man who has traveled around the world and has taken long airplane flights.

Watch the video and write the answers to these questions in your notebooks: 

1. How many times has he traveled around the world?
2. What does he say you should bring with you on a long flight?
3. Which part of an airplane does he say is the loudest part?
4. What does he say you should do if you are in a seat in the loudest part of the plane?
5. What does he say happens to your ears when you go up or down when flying?
6. What does he say you should eat to help your ears when flying?
7. Which does he say are the best seats on an airplane?
8. What does he say about window seats?
9. Why does he say that stretching is important?

10. Where does he say is the safest part of an airplane to be in?

See you next week!

Image: "Cabin of Airbus A300-600r Thaiairways" (courtesy of nitinut)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Videos uploaded from YouTube. Uploaded for classroom use. I do not own the rights to these videos. All rights reserved to the copyright owners. 

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