

Monday, December 14, 2015

ECA (Speaking) I (D): グロバル・グロカルプレゼンテーションの準備「日系ブラジル人・教育」


How are you? Today I'd like to show you some examples of posters that have been done by students I have had before on topics about Japanese-Brazilians and education. 

The poster above is a shot from a great Kodomo student I had last year, who was part of a group who did a presentation on famous Japanese-Brazilians. She was a real artist - she drew these pictures! Here is the full poster:

So here are some other shots of posters on themes of Japanese-Brazilians and education. Take a look a these and you can get some ideas on how you can prepare your posters! 

I hope these can help you. Take care!

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved.

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