

Monday, June 17, 2013

週10・11 - ECA (Speaking) I (C & A) - できること・経験

Hello to my Jido and Obei speaking students,

Image "Chess" courtesy of artemisphoto/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How are you? Let's look at some abilities (できること) and experiences (経験) of people! 

Watch these three (3) videos

1. From Taiwan, here's a family with a very special power. Watch it and see what it is! 

2. Here is a boy who has trouble communicating with people - but he can already play the piano! He's playing a song that has been very popular. Do you know what it is?  


3. Here is a Japanese student talking about her fun experience as a homestay student in Dublin, Ireland. She talks about her experience in Japanese - listen to her talk. What does she say about her experience? Take some notes. What do you think of it? Would you like to have her experience? 
videos. They have been uploaded strictly for class.

What abilities, skills or experience do you have? Do you know anyone who has any special abilities, skills or experience? Talk about what you know how to do or have done - or what your friends or family know how to do or have done

Have fun!
Video credits - all videos uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to these videos. They have been uploaded strictly for classroom use.
All videos uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to these videos. They are strictly for educational use.

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