

Monday, December 10, 2012

芝浦工業大学英語総合1B 12/11 - homework about love & marriage (Part 2)

Hello to all my Eigo Sogo students,

Image "The Exit" courtesy of Elwood W. McKay III/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Hope you had a good weekend! From here we'll go to the next part (Part 2) of our homework - research about marriage customs in other countries and cultures. Here are some things for you to remember and know.

Important notes about research
1. While you can use Japanese websites or blogs for your research, you are responsible for presenting what you have found in English. So - it will be better to do your research in English. It will really be easier, and a good use of your English.

2. Find 2-3 pictures about points of marriage for the countries or cultures you selected and print them out. They don't all have to be in color, but at least one of them should be in color.

3. Double- and triple-check important vocabulary. Check everything about your most important key words - spelling, pronunciation, and how to use these words.

4. Divide points of the research tasks with the other member(s) of your pairs or groups. Who will check on the key vocabulary? Who will find the pictures? Who will take the vocabulary and put it into notes? How will you coordinate with each other about where you are and what progress you are making? All of you decide these things!

5. Finally, take a look at this video about presentationsWatch it as many times as you like. It has a lot of good hints about preparing good presentations.

See you in class! 

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