Hello Mikiko and Aki,
Here's a Friends clip for you from season 1 - the one where Chandler gets trapped in an ATM. It's just over 5 minutes and 30 seconds long. You can access it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYbBjSda550
Here is what you can do with this:
1. Watch the first 1:07 of the clip without sound. What's happening in it? Can you guess what Chandler might be saying?
2. Now, watch the same part again, with sound. Is anything he says different than what you guessed? Why does he act the way he does?
3. Now watch from 1:08 to 2:39 without sound. What's happening in it? Can you guess what he might be saying?
4. Now watch it again, with sound. Does anything differ from what you guessed?
5. Now do the same with the following three clips - 2:40 to 3:19, 3:20 to 4:25, and 4:26 to the end (5:32). Watch each in order, first with sound, take notes, then with sound. Does your sense of what he said differ from watching it without sound to when you watch it with sound?
Let me know what you think.
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