

Monday, June 3, 2019

電気通信大学 AE2Y I: Dilemmas of AI (from 2001: A Space Odyssey)・AIのジレンマ「2001年宇宙の旅から」


How are you? As I mentioned in class today, here is a post about an example of AI (artificial intelligence) gone wrong - in this case, as imagined in a movie.

In 1968, the film 2001: A Space Odyssey was released. In Japan, it was known as 2001年宇宙の旅. Even now, it is one of the greatest science-fiction films ever made. In it, one of the main characters is a supercomputer called the HAL 9000The 
picture at the top is the camera of the HAL 9000.

In the story, the HAL 9000 is the greatest supercomputer ever built. It can speak with humans with a human voice; play - and beat - humans at chess; find and understand human emotions; and manage the air supply and other functions of the space station the human astronauts in the story work and do their research on.

But there are some problems that the astronauts find with "Hal," as they call the computer...

Watch these short film clips from the movie. 

1. Here is the first one - in it, the two main astronauts, named Dave and Frank, are talking about what to do with the problems that Hal is showing. They go to a safe place where they don't think Hal can hear them.

How does Hal know what they're talking about? 

If for any reason you have trouble seeing the clip above, go to this link here. It will take you directly to YouTube.

2. Here is the next clipFrank goes out of a spacecraft released from the space station. Hal is in control of the spacecraft functions. What happens to Frank? 

If you have any trouble seeing the clip above, go to this link to see it on YouTube.

3. Here is the clip after that. Dave wants to know what is happening. What is Hal's response? 

If you have any trouble seeing it here, click this link to go to YouTube.

4. Here is the last clip. What does Dave do with Hal? 

If you have any trouble seeing this clip, go to YouTube from this link

I hope you find this interesting. If you like science-fiction films, I highly recommend this one - even though it's very long! 

Here are the board notes for our class on 6/4:

See you next class!

Image: Screenshot of image by Cryteria - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11651154
Board notes - personal photograph. All rights reserved.
Video clips uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to the clips or the excerpts from the film they are derived. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). Uploaded for classroom use only. 

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