

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Welcome back! お帰りなさい!


How are you? Welcome back to the class for the second semester!  

As you can see, I am feeding a lovely little kangaroo - in Australia! I went there from September 6th-16th to see my brother, who lives in Perth on the west coast, and my cousin, who lives in a small town southeast of Perth, along the coast. I had a great time and many experiences. I grew up in Perth, so there were some memories for me. 

But I saw many things like this, off the southeast coast, that I hadn't seen before: 

If you look a little to the left of the picture, directly ahead, far in the distance, you will go to Antarctica! This is not so far from where my cousin lives!

As for Perth, it's the largest city in the west of Australia:

Here are a few shots of the Hay Street Mall, one of the most famous locations in Perth. It's like a Ginza for Perth, with shops, cafes, and restaurants: 

This was the entrance to the Piccadilly Theater, a movie theater I went to sometimes when I was a child. It doesn't show movies anymore, but it is such a famous building that the Perth city government  kept the front and outside of the theater and made it a shopping arcade! There are many old buildings that have been kept well along the Hay Street Mall, like this one:

 Plus this one as well:

Here is a shot of the Perth skyline - not a very good one, but the best I could get! It was unfortunately a cloudy day when I could get this picture.

There are many more things I could show you, but this post could get very long, and I don't want to be boring to all of you! So how about your summer? Let's talk and write about what we did, and anything that we learned, over the summer. (I learned some things I didn't know over this summer. How about you?)

It's great to be back and I'm glad to see all of you. Take care! 

See you next class! 

Images: Top and all except map - personal photographs. All rights reserved. 
Map - screenshot of image by NordNordWest - own work, usingUnited States National Imagery and Mapping Agency dataWorld Data Base II data, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4811950


  1. Hey Lee!

    Thanks for sharing about your journey. I also went back to my homeland, Indonesia, and there were definitely some things that I got to learn there. And, of course, some reunions with friends and relatives.

    I have never been to Australia, and I really want to go there sometime in the future. Especially, with that picture of you feeding the kangaroo, it made me jealous. I have always been wanting to see and touch a kangaroo in person. Anyway, I hope the won't extinct when I can finally get there.

  2. Hello Joe,

    Thanks for your reply! I definitely think you can learn a lot even in the most familiar places. I hope to make it as well to Indonesia sometime too!

    See you next class!
