

Thursday, May 23, 2013

週6 - ECA (Speaking) I (W) - 比較対照

Hello to all my Ningenfukushi speaking students,

Image "Classic Porsche 959" courtesy of M-Pics/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How are you? Let's look at some basic comparing and contrasting (比較対照). First, let's look at comparatives (比較)!

In the picture above, we can say the sports car is fast (早い). But in the picture belowthis old car is slow (遅い):

Image "Vintage Car" courtesy of Tom Clare/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
So - you can say: 

The sports car is faster than the old car
The old car is slower than the sports car.

Now look at these pictures. What comparatives () talk about these pairs? Match these!

taller     shorter     newer     colder
longer     younger     hotter     older 


The man is __________ than the woman.
The woman is __________ than the man.


The man in the black suit is __________ than the man in the blue suit. 
The man in the blue suit is __________ than the man in the black suit.


The church is __________ than the office building.
The office building is __________ than the church. 

The beach is __________ than the mountains. 
The mountains are __________ than the beach. 


The flowered dress is __________ than the animal-print skirt.
The animal-print skirt is __________ than the flowered dress. 

Try these! See you next class!

Other photo credits: 1. "Senior Couple with Arms Crossed" (courtesy of stockimages) 2. "Two Businessmen Smiling" (courtesy of Ambro) 3. "Old Historical Church" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/"Blue Sky And Office Building" (courtesy of Sura Nualpradid) 4. "Sunset Holiday" (courtesy of kenfotos)/"Denali National Park" (courtesy of Liz Noffsinger) 5. "Taking Leg Measurement" (courtesy of imagerymajestic)/"Legs of Young Woman" (courtesy of David Castillo Dominici)/All pictures from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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